Balanced parenthesis check for expression using javascript
Given an expression with series of braces,curly braces and big brackets " () {} [] ", you have to determine that whether these parenthesis are balanced or not. If given a string " ({}) ", by looking at it we can clearly say that parenthesis are balanced. Today we are going to implement this using javascript. We will be using data structure stack./** * Stack that will hold the braces */ var stack = []; /** * Returns "Correct" when parenthesis are validated, "Incorrect" otherwise */ function validString(input1) { if(processExp(input1)) return "Correct"; else return "Incorrect"; } function processExp(exp) { for(var i =0;i<exp.length;i++) { if(exp[i] == '(' || exp[i] == '{' || exp[i] == '[') stack.push(exp[i]); else if(exp[i] == ')' || exp[i] == '}' || exp[i] == ']') { if(stack.length==0 || !isMatchingPair(stack[stack.length-1],exp[i])) return false; else stack.pop(); } } if(stack.length==0) return true; else return false; } function isMatchingPair(ch1,ch2) { if(ch1 == '(' && ch2 == ')') return true; else if(ch1 == '{' && ch2 == '}') return true; else if(ch1 == '[' && ch2 == ']') return true; else return false; }
Call validString("([])") to check the expression. Hope you understood this simple program
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